Class SM::PreProcess
In: markup/simple_markup/preprocess.rb
Parent: Object

Handle common directives that can occur in a block of text:

: include : filename


Public Class methods


    # File markup/simple_markup/preprocess.rb, line 11
11:     def initialize(input_file_name, include_path)
12:       @input_file_name = input_file_name
13:       @include_path = include_path
14:     end

Public Instance methods

Look for the given file in the directory containing the current file, and then in each of the directories specified in the RDOC_INCLUDE path


    # File markup/simple_markup/preprocess.rb, line 62
62:     def find_include_file(name)
63:       to_search = [ File.dirname(@input_file_name) ].concat @include_path
64:       to_search.each do |dir|
65:         full_name = File.join(dir, name)
66:         stat = File.stat(full_name) rescue next
67:         return full_name if stat.readable?
68:       end
69:       nil
70:     end

Look for common options in a chunk of text. Options that we don‘t handle are passed back to our caller as |directive, param|


    # File markup/simple_markup/preprocess.rb, line 20
20:     def handle(text)
21:       text.gsub!(/^([ \t#]*):(\w+):\s*(.+)?\n/) do 
22:         prefix    = $1
23:         directive = $2.downcase
24:         param     = $3
26:         case directive
27:         when "include"
28:           filename = param.split[0]
29:           include_file(filename, prefix)
31:         else
32:           yield(directive, param)
33:         end
34:       end
35:     end

Include a file, indenting it correctly


    # File markup/simple_markup/preprocess.rb, line 43
43:     def include_file(name, indent)
44:       if (full_name = find_include_file(name))
45:         content = {|f|}
46:         # strip leading '#'s, but only if all lines start with them
47:         if content =~ /^[^#]/
48:           content.gsub(/^/, indent)
49:         else
50:           content.gsub(/^#?/, indent)
51:         end
52:       else
53:         $stderr.puts "Couldn't find file to include: '#{name}'"
54:         ''
55:       end
56:     end
