バージョン 0.2 で導入された GFDNAVI インストーラの使い方を以下に示します。
SQLite3 を使用する場合は特に事前に設定する必要はありません。
MySQL を使用する場合は以下のように設定します。
% mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database gfdnavi_development; mysql> create database gfdnavi_test; mysql> create database gfdnavi_production; mysql> grant all on gfdnavi_development.* to 'davis'@'localhost' identified by 'hogehero'; mysql> grant all on gfdnavi_test.* to 'davis'@'localhost' identified by 'hogehero'; mysql> grant all on gfdnavi_production.* to 'davis'@'localhost' identified by 'hogehero';
これでユーザー名 davis のパスワードは hogehero になります。
GFDNAVI Ver.0.2 は ここ からダウンロードできます。
$ tar zxvf gfdnavi-0.2.tar.gz $ cd gfdnavi-0.2
ruby install.rb とするとインストーラが起動し、キー入力を求めてくるので従います。
$ ruby install.rb Welcome to Gfdnavi. In order install Gfdnavi, there are the following steps. Step 1: Setup parameters Step 2: Execute rails and copy files" Step 3: Create "database.yml" and "gfdnavi.yml" Step 4: Execute "rake setup" Step 5: Set root's password press any key to continue
Step 1: Setup parametes Set destination directory name and copy files. gfdnavi will be installed to "/path_you_input/gfdnavi" Please input destination path (defalult: /home/hoge):
The database settings you will specify in the following will be written in the file: /home/otsuka/gfdnavi/config/database.yml YOU CAN MANUALLY EDIT IT LATER IF YOU LIKE. You must finish settings of RDBMS before installing gfdnavi unless you will use "SQLite3". If you have not, use another terminal now to set up an RDBMS. If you would like to use mysql, I can show you how to do that.
ここで yes と答えると MySQL の設定方法が表示されるので、 MySQL を用いる場合で事前に設定を行っていない場合は次の項目に進む前に別途設定を行います。
Would you like read the how-to for mysql? (yes/no, default:yes): no
If you have finished the settings, specify the RDBMS. 1. MySQL 2. SQLite3 (Sorry, other RDBMSs are not supported in this installation script.) Select the RDBMS (default:1): 2
Windows の場合は Windows ネイティブの MySQL か Cygwin 上の MySQL か指定します。
1. windows native MySQL 2. MySQL compiled on cygwin Select the RDBMS platform (default:1):
GFDNAVI 用の設定を行ったときに用いたユーザー名とパスワードを入力します。 この例では davis, hogehero です。
Input the RDB user name for gfdnavi_* databases : davis Input the password for the databases: hogehero
Gfdanvi configuration The gfdnavi settings you will specify in the following will be written in the file: /home/otsuka/gfdnavi/config/gfdnavi.yml YOU CAN MANUALLY EDIT IT LATER IF YOU LIKE.
Set salt for encryption input phrase (at least 5 characters): hogehoge
Set admin's email address Input email address: hoge@hoge.ac.jp
Select server type to set default configuration parameters The configurations in "config/gfdnavi.yml" will be set according to your choice of server type. 1. private server 2. open server Select the server type (default:1):
Step 2: Execute rails and copy files
/home/hoge/gfdnavi does not exist. Can I create the directories? (yes/no, default:yes):
Do you want to install sample data? (yes/no, default:yes):
Step 3: Create "database.yml" and "gfdnavi.yml"
Step 4: Execute rake setup (in /home/hoge/gfdnavi)
root のパスワードを設定します。
Input password for root(number of characters must be 5 to 40): Repeat password:
== InitialScheme: migrating =================================================== -- create_table("directories", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1250s -- create_table("variables", {:force=>true}) -> 0.2810s -- create_table("actual_files", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1720s -- create_table("variable_relations", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1560s -- create_table("keyword_attributes", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1410s -- create_table("spatial_attributes", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1410s -- create_table("functions", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1710s -- create_table("function_outputs", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1250s -- create_table("types", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1250s -- create_table("function_arguments", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1880s -- create_table("users", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1410s -- create_table("sign_up_users", {:force=>true}) -> 0.0460s -- create_table("groups", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1570s -- create_table("group_members", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1870s -- create_table("diagram_caches", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1880s -- create_table("diagram_cache_data", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1560s -- create_table("diagram_cache_sessions", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1560s == InitialScheme: migrated (2.6560s) ========================================== == Rel01: migrating =========================================================== -- create_table("draw_parameters", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1680s -- create_table("knowledges", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1610s -- create_table("knowledge_figures", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1380s -- create_table("query_histories", {:force=>true}) -> 0.1440s == Rel01: migrated (0.6130s) ================================================== "/home/hoge/gfdnavi/public/data" is set as top directory. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... .................... Directory tree search has been completed. Notice: for analysis of variable relation, parse again. (tentatively). Directory tree search has been completed. Congraturations! You sucessed to install gfdnavi to /home/hoge/gfdnavi. Before you start gfdnavi, change the following configurations 1. "config/database.yml" 2. "config/gfdnavi.yml" and check file pamissoin mode of their files (only webserver can read the files).
再インストールの場合は前回の設定を残すかどうか聞かれるので それぞれ質問に答えてください。