2.1 Summary

When GRPH2 uses its packages to draw new figures, these packages are initialized and the transformation function parameters are set (though changes with a runtime option is permitted). At the present, initialization is performed for SGPACK, UZPACK, UUPACK, USPACK, and UMPACK.

GRPACK basically provides routines that correspond to those for "control" and "normalization transformation" in GRPH1. For example, there is a routine in GRPACK named GRFRM that corresponds to SGFRM. This routine calls routines such as SGFRM and initializes various packages at the same time. The initialization procedure includes assigning "undefined" values to parameters that may be set automatically by GRPH2 sub-packages. (Actually, values of the internal variables 'RUNDEF' and 'IUNDEF' handled by GLpGET/GLpSET are assigned.) Also, there is a routine named GRSTRF, which corresponds to SGSTRF. This routine checks whether all necessary parameters for the normalization transformation have been set (i.e. are not RUNDEF) and calls SGSTRF internally.

The parameters set by GRPACK can be changed by a runtime option. For example, by using the routine GROPN which corresponds to SGOPN, the specified workstation number can be changed using an runtime option.