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dcpam5 Installation Guide

  1. Operation Environment
  2. Software Requirements
  3. How to build
  4. Execute a sample program

Operation Environment

This program is operated by following compilers.

dcpam5 was operated by following environments in the past. Latest version may be operated (unconfirmed).

Software Requirements

Following softwares should be installed for installing dcpam.

netCDF (version 3.6.X or more)

Debian GNU/Linux (use binary packages)

Build from source codes

gtool5 (version 20081109 or more)

Debian GNU/Linux (use binary packages)

Build from source codes

ISPACK (in JAPANESE) (version 0.71)

Debian GNU/Linux (use binary packages)

Build from source codes

spmodel (version 0.4.1 or more)

Debian GNU/Linux (use binary packages)

Build from source codes

Software Requirements for developers

Following softwares should be installed for modification of source code and generation of documents. (But if you get tar.gz package, documentations are already generated).

How to build

Extract TGZ Package

Make an empty directory, and extract archive as follows. A directory `dcpam5-version' created at the current working directory.

$ tar xvzf dcpam5_current.tgz


$ zcat dcpam5_current.tar.gz | tar -xvf -

Specify Fortran Compiler

Specify Fortran compiler to environmental variable FC . For example, if you use "frt",

Specify Fortran compiler options for optimization and debug to environmental variable FFLAGS . For example, if you set options for automatic optimization and automatic parallelization to "frt",

Create `Config.mk'

Move created directroy, and excute ` ./configure '.

Specify library files in Libraries needed for compile to following options.

ispack library filename (*.a)
netcdf library filename (*.a)
gtool5 library filename (*.a)
spmodel library filename (*.a)

For exapmle, specify as follow. This command will generate Config.mk .

$ ./configure --with-ispack=/usr/local/lib/libisp.a \
              --with-netcdf=/usr/local/lib/libnetcdf.a \
              --with-gtool5=/usr/local/lib/gtool5/lib/libgtool5.a \
              --with-spml=/usr/local/lib/spml/lib/libspml.a \

GNU make is needed to build, so configure automatically inquires into GNU make in PATH. However, it returns error when GNU make is not found. In that case, please set the GNU make command for environment variable MAKE . And rerun execute ` ./configure '.

If you want to change directory to which the library and the module, etc. are installed, please set --help option as follow. Available options are showed.

$ ./configure --help

Descriptions about principal options are listed below.

Specify prefix to ARG. Default value is /usr/local/dcpam5 .
Specify directory to which the library is installed to ARG. Default value is /usr/local/dcpam5/lib .
Specify directory to which the module is installed to ARG. Default value is /usr/local/dcpam5/include .
Specify directory to which the executable file is installed to ARG. Default value is /usr/local/dcpam5/bin .
Specify directory to which the documentation file is installed to ARG. Default value is /usr/local/dcpam5/doc .
Specify dcpam5 library name to ARG. Library name becomes lib<ARG>.a . Default value is dcpam5 , so library name becomes libdcpam5.a .
Specify suffix of installdir, library name, executable files toARG. For example, you specify ffc5 when others are default, prefix of installdir becomes /usr/local/dcpam5-ffc5 , library name becomes libdcpam5-ffc5.a , executable files become gt4frt.ffc5 , gt4config.ffc5 .
Specify language standard to ARG. And when you compile source code, check the language standard conformance. Now, "95" is valid. The compiler that can be used is limited.
When you compile source code and execute binary file, output debug messages. The compiler that can be used is limited.
--config-cache or -C

config.cache is created at the same time as Config.mk 's being generated. config.cache stores information investigated with ./configure .

If you set this option, when you execute ./configure again, config.cache is loaded. If you want to ignore config.cache, don't set this option

For example, execute ./configure as follows.

$ ./configure -C  --enable-debug \
              --with-ispack=/usr/local/lib/libisp.a \
              --with-netcdf=/usr/local/lib/libnetcdf.a \
              --with-gtool5=/usr/local/lib/gtool5/lib/libgtool5.a \
              --with-spml=/usr/local/lib/spml/lib/libspml.a \

Then, information such as the locations of the netCDF library etc. is succeeded by executing ./configure as follows after next time.

$ ./configure -C

If you use Fujitsu Fortran compiler in Debian GNU/Linux, copy "Config.cache.debian-ffc*" to config.cache and execute ./configure . So, locations of libraries are specified automatically.

$ cp Config.cache.debian-ffc5 config.cache
$ ./configure

Edit `Config.mk'

Edit unspecified item in `Config.mk' manually.

Followings are main items.

Fortran compiler
Flags needed when compiled and linked
Flags needed when linked
Libraries needed when linked
Specify location where Config.mk is.
Directory where dcpam5 library, modules, executable files, and documentations are installed
Extensions of Module Files used when "make clean"
GNU make command
Archive command
Flag of Archive command
Generate index to archive command

Compile source code

You must use GNU make to build. No other "make" program is acceptable. "make" tentatively means GNU make at the following. Replace them with GNU make of your system.

When ./configure is executed, the command name of GNU make is displayed as follows. Execute GNU make according to this message.

Execute GNU make in the current directory, as follows.

  /usr/bin/make lib

Generate documentations

To generate documentations, execute following command in current directory. If you get from dcpam5 TGZ package, documentations are already generated.

$ make doc

Execute a sample program

See RAKURAKU (easier) dcpam5.

$Id: INSTALL,v 1.6 2009-01-25 18:52:39 morikawa Exp $
DCPAM Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff dcstaff@gfd-dennou.org