Class RI::Options
In: ri/ri_options.rb
Parent: Object


displayer   new   parse   path   raw_path   show_version  

Included Modules


Classes and Modules

Module RI::Options::OptionList


doc_dir  [R]  the directory we search for original documentation
formatter  [R]  the formatting we apply to the output
list_classes  [R]  should we just display a class list and exit
list_names  [R]  should we display a list of all names
use_stdout  [RW]  No not use a pager. Writable, because ri sets it if it can‘t find a pager
width  [R]  The width of the output line

Public Class methods


     # File ri/ri_options.rb, line 220
220:     def initialize
221:       @use_stdout   = !STDOUT.tty?
222:       @width        = 72
223:       @formatter    = RI::TextFormatter.for("plain") 
224:       @list_classes = false
225:       @list_names   = false
227:       # By default all paths are used.  If any of these are true, only those
228:       # directories are used.
229:       @use_system = false
230:       @use_site = false
231:       @use_home = false
232:       @use_gems = false
233:       @doc_dirs = []
234:     end

Public Instance methods

Return an instance of the displayer (the thing that actually writes the information). This allows us to load in new displayer classes at runtime (for example to help with IDE integration)


     # File ri/ri_options.rb, line 308
308:     def displayer
310:     end

Parse command line options.


     # File ri/ri_options.rb, line 238
238:     def parse(args)
240:       old_argv = ARGV.dup
242:       ARGV.replace(args)
244:       begin
246:         go =*OptionList.options)
247:         go.quiet = true
249:         go.each do |opt, arg|
250:           case opt
251:           when "--help"       then OptionList.usage
252:           when "--version"    then show_version
253:           when "--list-names" then @list_names = true
254:           when "--no-pager"   then @use_stdout = true
255:           when "--classes"    then @list_classes = true
257:           when "--system"     then @use_system = true
258:           when "--site"       then @use_site = true
259:           when "--home"       then @use_home = true
260:           when "--gems"       then @use_gems = true
262:           when "--doc-dir"
263:             if
264:               @doc_dirs << arg
265:             else
266:               $stderr.puts "Invalid directory: #{arg}"
267:               exit 1
268:             end
270:           when "--format"
271:             @formatter = RI::TextFormatter.for(arg)
272:             unless @formatter
273:               $stderr.print "Invalid formatter (should be one of "
274:               $stderr.puts RI::TextFormatter.list + ")"
275:               exit 1
276:             end
277:           when "--width"
278:             begin
279:               @width = Integer(arg)
280:             rescue 
281:               $stderr.puts "Invalid width: '#{arg}'"
282:               exit 1
283:             end
284:           end
285:         end
287:       rescue GetoptLong::InvalidOption, GetoptLong::MissingArgument => error
288:         OptionList.error(error.message)
290:       end
291:     end

Return the selected documentation directories.


     # File ri/ri_options.rb, line 295
295:     def path
296:       RI::Paths.path(@use_system, @use_site, @use_home, @use_gems, *@doc_dirs)
297:     end


     # File ri/ri_options.rb, line 299
299:     def raw_path
300:       RI::Paths.raw_path(@use_system, @use_site, @use_home, @use_gems,
301:                          *@doc_dirs)
302:     end

Show the version and exit


     # File ri/ri_options.rb, line 215
215:     def show_version
216:       puts VERSION_STRING
217:       exit(0)
218:     end
