Class RDoc::Token
In: parsers/parse_f95.rb
Parent: Object


new   set_text  


NO_TEXT = "??".freeze


char_no  [R] 
line_no  [R] 
text  [R] 

Public Class methods


     # File parsers/parse_f95.rb, line 350
350:     def initialize(line_no, char_no)
351:       @line_no = line_no
352:       @char_no = char_no
353:       @text    = NO_TEXT
354:     end

Public Instance methods

Because we‘re used in contexts that expect to return a token, we set the text string and then return ourselves


     # File parsers/parse_f95.rb, line 357
357:     def set_text(text)
358:       @text = text
359:       self
360:     end
